Sun, 4 - Sun,11, October

Venue:Jisso Youth Travelers’ VillageFee:All program ¥55,000

 Workshop fee, Watching Performance fee, jam, lab, morning bodywork,
 accomodation, food, transportation from Ookuchi bus stop are included

The programs of CI camp are Workshops, performance, jam, lab which anyone can suggest, Forest walk, a philosophy cafe, the workshops only in the hometown etc.
We are guessing the possibility of CI camp in Japan for some years. We hope that you spend relaxing and wonderful time with people and surroundings, concentrate to each work, enjoy little inconvenience apart from everyday life.
Accommodations are cottage or the bungalow, and eat in a straw bail house.
There are shower room, and old Japanese style small bathes in the venue.


Workshops at CI camp on Sun, 4 - Sun 11, October

Mon 5,Oct Tue 6,Oct Wed,7 Thu 8,Oct Fri 9,Oct
10:00 -11:45 Workshop 1
Mei Li 
Workshop 3
 Mandy Ming-yin YIM

Workshop 5
 Seo, Kyong Sun

Workshop 7
Bong-Ho Kim

13:45 -15:30  Intensive WS 1
Katja Mustonen
Otto Akkanen
Intensive WS 2
Katja Mustonen
Otto Akkanen

Intensive WS 3
Katja Mustonen
Otto Akkanen

15:50 - 17:35
Workshop 2
Takao Kawaguschi
Workshop 4
Ru-Hong Lin

Workshop 6
Chico Katsube 
Shoko Kashima

Teachers:Bong-Ho Kim (Korea), Katja Mustonen (Finland/German), Mei Li(Taiwan)
      Otto Akkanen (Finland), Ru-Hong Lim(Taiwan), Seo, Kyong Sun (Korea),
      Mandy Ming-yin YIM(Hong Kong), Chico Katsube (Japan), Shoko Kashima (Japan)

1 workshop:¥2,500
The fee is incleded in “All program”


Venue:Friend house at Jisso Youth Travelers’ Village

Oct 4
16:00 - 18:00
Oct 9
13:45 - 17:35

The fee is incleded in “All program”

Bodywork and  Lab

Venue:Friend house, on the green at Jisso Youth Travelers’ Village

The fee is incleded in “All program”

Yoga, Qigong, Voice work etc in the morning by voluntary leaders.
We raise the themes from anyone who want to share.

5-10, Oct
7:30 - 8:30  Bodywork
5-9, Oct
20:30〜  Lab : After dinner

Improvisation performance

Sat, Octber 10  Start 16:00  

Venue:Isa city Cultual Hall

*If you are participated in “All Program” the fee is included.

Bong-Ho Kim (Korea), KATJA MUSTONEN (Finland/German), Mandy Ming-yin YIM(Hong-Kong)
Mei Li(Taiwan), Mingchu “Xiaochu” Yu(Taiwan), Otto Akkanen (Finland)
Seo, Kyong Sun(Korea), Ru-Hong Lim(Taiwan), Chico Katsube, Shoko Kashima, Seika Iwashita and more

Guest artists from overseas, Japanese artists and musicians collaborate together.
Improvisation performance of dance and music and light.


Mon,12 October 13:00 - 15:00
Venue:Maruya gardens 4F Ballet studio

Teachers: Katja Mustonen, Otto Akkanen

The base for our study is the physical understanding of flow. Considering flow as a mobile, structured mass moving through space – usually spherical pathways - with ease and softness. Practicing flow through listening shifts of weight,
especially in slow motion, builds up the common vocabulary for our dances. However, sometime staying within flow diminishes our chances for decisions. This has drawn our curiosity towards how do I make choices as a solo while continuing to attend the dance with other(s), and has brought us to question our habitual patterns of movements. Fragmentation as the loss of learnt responses, refusal of offered invitations, gaps and the braking of the flow. The workshop will oscillate in the space of learning and questioning the learnt. Flow provides us the physical skills, fragmentation gives access to uncommon choices, and by combining both we compose our dances.

Improvisation performance

Mon, October 12  Start 19:00  

Venue:Retroft Museo

*The fee is not included in All program” You need to reserve apart from “All program”

Katja Mustonen, Otto Akkanen, Seika Iwashita, Miura Ichi-go
Chico Katsube, Shoko Kashima and more